''Women outperform men in 17 out of 19 essential leadership skills, according to Harvard¹. However, they don't score high in developing a strategic perspective. But did you know that success is 80% strategy and 20% skills?''
"What is a Strategy for Female Leadership?"
"Who is a Strategy for Female Leadership for?"
"How do I develop a Strategy for Female Leadership?"
"Which elements does a Strategy for Female Leadership consist of?"
Sign up for the free webinar if you are a female professional and:
1. Have the ambition to make it to the top careerwise
2. Work hard and give a 100% to your work, but notice that it still isn't enough
3. Wants to take the right steps so that 2022 will be the year in which you make your dreams come true
4. You're fed up with leaving your career to chance and ready to take matters into your own hands
Receive these extra's temporarily
In addition to access to the most popular webinar from the 30 Day Female Leadership Challenge: Barriers in Female Leadership ( Value: $129), you will also receive this:
BONUS: Workbook "Growth Mindset Moments for Female Leadership" (Value $120)
BONUS: A step-by-step plan for promoting yourself in a professional way (Value $19 )
Receive these bonuses by clicking the button below and registering for the webinar!
Learn more about: A Strategy For Female Leadership
Develop a Female Leadership Strategy in 30 days!
Do you have a blueprint for outlining your career growth? To grow to the next level you need a powerful network, promote yourself non stop, negotiate and claim your expertise. Let's develop your strategy together!
Promoting yourself in a professional way
Recent data has taught us that women do not promote themselves sufficiently². Learn how to put yourself in the spotlight in a professional way and highlight all of your achievements so you can attract the most powerful contacts.
Setting boundaries and negotiating
Too often, women accept jobs that are not strategic for their career growth³. In addition, women don't take the opportunity to negotiate in the workplace⁴. That's why it's essential to focus on setting healthy boundaries and to learn tips and tricks to negotiate more effectively!
Establishing yourself as an authority in your field is an art form that we haven't all mastered yet. You need self-confidence and solid presentation skills to do this. Use the step-by-step plan to explain your journey to becoming an expert smoothly. Anywhere, anytime!
Claiming your expertise by having a compelling story
1. Developing a blueprint for career growth
I am Raisa
I am Raisa Ghazi, Msc. in Business and MSc. in Political Science and founder of SkillGenie.io. Also chairman of the day, speaker, trainer, and moderator. I have:
Conducted years of research into the relationship between mechanisms of power structures in the workplace
Advised governments + technology corporates in developing strategies for more D&I
Given seminars and workshops at 100+ conferences on Diversity and Inclusion in the United States, India, Latin America, and the Netherlands, among others
Inspired and trained thousands of professionals through my workshops and courses
Diversity & Inclusion Expert with 10+ Years Professional Experience.
Existing customers
After this program
You will be able to achieve the following goals
You know where to find influential contacts, and how best to approach them and build deep connections
You have a concrete plan to promote yourself daily and exude leadership
You can negotiate a higher salary and set clear boundaries in the workplace
You are skilled at presenting yourself, and you can clearly communicate your expertise
What participants say:
Can be seen in:
Sign up for the free webinar
Learn in 45 minutes which barriers stand between you and a successful career!
Access to the most popular module of the 30 Day Female Leadership Challenge: Barriers in Female Leadership (Value $129)
BONUS: A workbook "Growth Mindset Moments for Female Leadership" (Value $120)
BONUS: Step-by-step plan for promoting yourself in a professional way (Value $19)
Interested in the research we have mentioned? Please check out the sources to read more!
¹Research: Women Score Higher Than Men in Most Leadership Skills
²Waar zijn die vrouwelijke rolmodellen?
³Challenges Facing Women Negotiators
⁴Women of Color Get Asked to Do More “Office Housework.” Here’s How They Can Say No.